About Me & Tales of Passport
Hello travelers!
I’m Aditi Gupta, a full-time marketing professional living in Mumbai with my husband and a daughter. Travel for me is more than a hobby, it is an outlet to get closer to myself, feel more liberated and create a life-lasting treasure trove of memories.
I’ve been traveling to Europe every year since 2014 and had been exploring various parts of India since childhood.
I took my first solo trip to Thailand in 2016, as a married woman. I took my first solo trip as a mom to Dubai in 2019 when my daughter had just turned 1.
I’m stating these “heroic” chapters of my life only because I believe “if you REALLY love travel, you’ll do it irrespective of any circumstances”. Without having to wait for anyone to join you on the trip, to be comfortable with yourself taking the flight alone, eating in a restaurant alone is madly liberating and fulfilling. And when you're back from your trip, you are full of energy and love, for yourself and others. We all need a little self-love to give back more love right?
My idea of traveling doesn’t mean checking off countries like a marathon, like many travellers do. Less is More in Travel.
This world has so much beauty and diversity that even a small country demands weeks or even months just to scratch the surface. But owing to time and budget constraints we all have to pick out the 'best' places, right? And that's where the planning anxiety kicks in.
The abundance of information available is so overwhelming that we end up feeling confused or ironically insufficient while planning our travels.
I call myself a 'Travel Nerd' who loves the planning phase probably more than the actual travel! For me, the best months in a year are spent in assembling every bit of information available about my next travel destination and converting that into a 'perfect' plan. But not everything goes perfect on our trips, we also need to acknowledge that we all are bound to make mistakes.
Traveling is an art that needs practice. With each trip we grow wiser in terms of picking the right places, budgeting accurately and also being a more responsible traveler.
This blog is nothing about the 'perfectness'.
There are no perfect pictures, there are no perfect itineraries. Most of my travel pictures are without any filter, mostly clicked on my Canon DSLR or iPhone. Not because I’m lazy to make these pictures a bit more attractive but I’d rather share a more real view of the world than a prettier but exaggerated version. Same goes with my experiences I've shared here.
There were imperfect trips that I planned that could have made better with a few changes. I have tried to include those suggestions by doing a bit of secondary research while writing.
In case you're looking for the most beautiful pictures of Switzerland, Instagram is the place for you. If you need every bit of information about the places in Switzerland and nice restaurants to eat at, there's Lonely Planet or Rough Guides.
This blog is just my humble attempt to encourage people like me- with full time jobs, may have kids, want budget options but don’t mind occasional indulgence, to travel the world.
I'd be so glad and grateful if you find Tales of Passport worthy of your time. Please share your feedback and suggestions; there's more content coming soon!
Till your next flight, keep reading and keep exploring!